Children's book Council of Australia - book of the year short list

On the 17th of August the  CBCA Book of the year awards will be announced.   We have many of the titles that have been shortlisted available in the Bundoora library.   Login to LibrarySearch and place a hold on them if you wish to view, or come in an grab them off the shelves if they are available!

This years theme for the CBCA book week 18-24th of August is "Find your treasure", we hope you enjoy these titles, and can make use of them in a classroom setting.

For more information please contact June Frost for further support, ideas and resources.

Below is the list of the titles in the categories they have been listed under, and links to the library records, if you wish to view them:

Older Readers

Early Childhood

Chrichton Award - New talent


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