New services for Post Graduate research and coursework students

As Liaison Librarian for the School of Education, you can make face to face, email or phone appointments with me to assist with the development of topic questions, conduct literature reviews, find and review scholarly information through library databases, discover the best places to publish, develop or update your researcher ID or manage your references by using Endnote. Go to 

Research consultation sessions are open to academic and teaching staff, as well as students doing honours, postgraduate coursework, higher degree by research (PhD and Masters).

You can now also make appointments with me via the SMP system, which you currently use for RMIT Connect.  Simply go to the link below:
You will be able to see appointment times available during the week.  Please feel free to email or ring me directly, if these times don't suit.  Looking forward to hearing from you,

June Frost
Liaison Librarian


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